Kindly read it and know more about our company and Our Non Voice Projects



1. LifeTime BPO Solutions located in?


Our company located in​


#12, 1st floor,

Velan complex,

Pillayar Kovil St,

Ramar Extension,


Erode DT,

Tamil Nadu – 638452



                   0 9677373644   0 9677373204




2. LifeTime BPO Solutions is Govt Registered company?


LifeTime BPO Solutions is Indian Based Registered company, our non voice projects are legally registered in all terms and conditions belongs to working and outsourcing with non voice process, we have legal rights to outsource our projects and our non voice projects are legally tested and verified.




3. LifeTime BPO Solutions establish in?


LifeTime BPO Solutions established in the year of 2009 Wednesday, 20 May, we have reached our successful 4 years and 9 months with your support, our registered office located in Gobichettipalayam, Erode DT, Tamil Nadu, India,


Before outsourcing our non voice projects we involved in working with our team to verify the payouts and got complete knowledge about the our each and every non voice process, we spend more time, man power and hard work to know merits and demerits of our non voice projects 





4. How can i contact LifeTime BPO Solutions?


Call us to know more about our company and our non voice projects

Feel free to ask questions we ready to answer


  0 9677373644   Send your Mail Id by SMS,   To get sample working files and non voice project details now  

  0 9677373204


If you have more questions to ask kindly send your valuable questions to lifetimebpo@gmail.com and get answers now

Kindly visit our website to know more about our non voice process plans and details http://www.lifetimebpo.tk




5. How can I believe in LifeTime BPO Solutions?

We know the Indian market is very hard to find the genuine BPO projects,

Believing is the first step of business, If you believe us means join and earn, we ready to help you always,

If hard to believe us or fear to invest more, just start with our small project plan we have below 900rs non voice projects also available, start working with that, after getting payouts and satisfactions on our non voice projects and services, you can move to big process, it will help you to make working experience and easy way to understand our BPO process and services.

LifeTime BPO Solutions projects are perfect, Pure and tested well before outsourcing,

Our Non voice projects are so valuable and secure for both of us.






6. What type of projects currently you have?

LifeTime BPO Solutions involved in genuine Non Voice Process outsourcing

We dealing with Govt and Private Sector Non voice projects, Online and Offline legal BPO projects, We have the online projects of Ad posting and offline projects of Data entry and Form filling job,

We have genuine home based and company based non voice projects with monthly payment, weekly payment and daily payment,

Our non voice projects are Indian Based only and we are involved only with direct dealing and genuine outsourcing



7. Do you have any free projects or can you get project security cost from my payout?


Sorry the project security cost is getting only to provide legal based work and it is only for security reason for both side, and in our company the money back guarantee is legally approved. after the sign up if need to cancel the project you can get full refund




8. How you have given more plans for each project? For what purpose the project are divided into different plans?

The entire non voice projects are same format of working,

Whether non voice business projects or home based projects it is same way in working, each and every non voice project plans are divided with workers knowledge and capacity,

Eg: If the working person can spend more time for working, they can select maximum plan to work as full time job to earn high level income,

If need to work as a part time job, they have the minimum plan to select and they can finish the minimum workload files within their time limit to get income for their part time job,

LifeTime BPO Solutions have designed each project plans for both home based workers and companies, The person or company easy to select which one they can work and which is comfortable for them,

Some peoples fear to invest high in beginning, they can start with small home based project and they can verify our services and supports, after getting the payment and satisfaction they can start more projects,






9. What is project security cost? It is one time or every month need to pay for new slots?

The Project security cost is one time payment, no need to pay on every month for getting the new workload,

  The project security cost is 100% refundable and secure, it is collected only for security reasons to provide genuine and payment guaranteed work,

  Every month you will get new workload, QC and payment on time, if you need to cancel the contract or need to stop the work, you can get your full money back






10. How you can give high value for each work (Per Ad, Per Form and Per Page)?

If you are take non voice process from consultancy or broker, you may get low price for your work, once a lot of parties concerned within the business, everybody fix their price value based on their outsourcing knowledge, But here there is no way to reduce payout in the name of accuracy level, so the work and money dealing between two parties only and the working person will get real value for their work






11. Which non voice project is simple and suitable for me? Can you suggest me?

All of our non voice projects are simple and workable for both home working purpose and business purpose,

The working person should choose the projects which is suitable for them to work,

Ad Posting is only need a net support to work, form filling and data entry can be process as offline job without any net support,

If the person have knowledge in net they can select the ad posting to earn from internet,

The form filling is best and simple to work and earn without any net support


LifeTime BPO Solutions non voice projects are valuable to work from home and best to run as business non voice process in centers, the working person or team should have a minimum computer knowledge to operate our non voice projects, our non voice bpo projects are workable and flexible to work and run in anywhere and anytime with minimum skill, our qualified professional teams are expert in direct and online training, they will be there with you on working time to help and support, our training and guidance will make everyone to work perfectly,




12. Is there any chance reject or terminate my project?


There is no chance to reject or terminate the project in the name of accuracy level and mistakes, all the mistakes are correctable and editable, error files will be send for rework process only, no chance to deduct anything in payout, our non voice projects are guaranteed in payment and work and we provide legal guidance to reach full payout, no need to worry about the work and payment, if you not interested in our services you can apply for refund and get your full money back




13. Is there any branches or franchisees located in my city?


We have more than 30 reference centers in All over India, In that most of centers are located in south India only, we have the complete proof and database of companies who are all currently working with our genuine non voice projects,




14. Can I get any reference center address or contact number of currently working persons in my city?



 Kindly follow our procedure to get appointment with reference centers

The reference center details will be given before sign up and after the company verification

Reference center details can be given for non voice business project sign ups only

The company should be registered and eligible to handle atleast 5 seat capacity

The second party can meet the reference centers directly with our reference appointment letter

The reference center is compulsory if the project sign up cost more than 1.5 lakh


Other than the procedure, if anyone need to see the reference it is possible in direct sign up and take our own center as reference to see the currently working projects and payment details,





15. Can I get same support and responds after taking the projects?

We are ready to answers your questions and provide you the best support before, after and while working also

Get training with sample project files before sign up

We assure that our training will help you to make genuine standard income for lifetime

Our customer chat support team will be on online from 10am to 5pm to clear your doubts and help you on teamviewer also


If you can’t able to reach us on weekends, you can call or message us directly to

0 9677373644        0 9677373204




16. If i want to change the process after 2 or 3 months?


If anyone need to upgrade or need to convert the project or plan from one to another it is possible to convert, kindly call us now we will help you to change or convert non voice project plan

0 9677373644   0 9677373204




17. Can you show some documents of your company?

  We ready to give our company PAN Card, Company Registration certificate,

  Legal Outsourcing Agreement, MOU of Sole Proprietorship etc,

  It has some rules and restrictions, we ready to show all of our legal documents it have the procedure to meet directly in our head office,




18. Why i need to pay for the projects?

  The project security cost is collected only for security reason to provide genuine and legal based non voice projects, It is not upfront, fees or other charges to earn from others hard work

  The project security cost is 100% fully refundable and collected only to provide equal securities for first party and second party,



                "The project is ours and hard work is yours,

                               Both should be genuine and valuable to meet long term success"


We are completely responsible for the work and payment, the working person should be responsible for quality and working management,

Our non voice projects are legal based and secure, it is 100% trusted and verified before outsourcing,

We know the Indian market is very hard to get genuine non voice BPO projects,


 "The genuine companies are rare and simple,

They know the real value of hard work and time,

They never waste the time, knowledge, and hard work,"




19. Is there any delay in work or payment?


Never delay in work and payment, each and everything will reach you within given time.

If you feel any delay from our side, you can apply for refund and get your full money back at the time,

we need the cooperation only to provide best support and genuine guidance to build long term business relationships,




20. How to Join?


1.      See the Project Plans and Details mention in our website, kindly read it fully so that you can understand about our services

2.      Call us to 0 9677373644, 0 9677373204 or Send your Mail id to this number to get projects details to your mail id

3.      After you getting the sample project details, if you have any doubts ask us we ready to help you

4.      If you are interested in any projects, inform us through mail or in call,

5.      Ask our bank details to get it on your mobile or in mail, after getting our bank details, you need to deposit the cash in the given back account

6.      After deposit the cash need to send the scan copies of the Bank receipt (Challan copy)

                                                                                                        Your Id proof             

                                                                 And your bank account details to lifetimebpo@gmail.com

         Need to provide bank account details of the person who going receive payment for the work

7.      You will get the project mail within 30minutes and you will get the training within 1 hour, get ready for training with teamviewer and be online in gmail (Gtalk)


“No way to reject or terminate the project in the name of accuracy, error files will be shown after the qc and we will provide rework time to recorrect the mistakes to reach your full payment,  The Project registration cost is safe and secured, it is 100% refundable if need to cancel the project” 


                “Whole Profit and Loss is Responsible by the Management of LifeTime BPO Solutions”




21. If i join the project today when i will get the project?


After we getting the cash receipt and your details of Id proof and bank details, You will get project within maximum time of 30 minutes and training will be start on same day




 22. If i finished project soon? can i get payout soon?

Project Need to submit within 27 days ,QC you will get within 9 days, the payment will reach you within 6 days,

This is the procedure for basic non voice projects, whenever you can submit your project but from that 27th day only we can send work for QC Process, 


Do you want to get paid soon,

Just start with our 3 hours once payment projects and start earning on every 3 hours

Start with our daily payment non voice projects to get daily payment for your daily work

Work with our weekly based non voice projects to get high level weekly payments

 Need to know more about genuine non voice projects and plans


CALL US NOW       0 9677373644         0 9677373204         




23. How you will provide training? How much time it will take?

  You will get training on online with Gmail chat, Yahoo or in some other mail which is comfortable for the working person,

  Remote access training will be given with online chat support,

  If the person needs training on phone we ready to provide it,

  Direct training is available for high level business plans

  Special and professionally qualified trainers will be provided for daily business plan and 3 hours process to achieve best quality in output

  Separate section allocated for manual quality control process and training process

  No need to worry about our non voice projects, it is workable with minimum knowledge and our training will make everyone to reach best quality

  If you have question while working with our non voice projects, you can send your doubts to our mail id or you can call us directly to get answers

  Our live chat support will be on online from 10 am to 5 pm on Gtalk





24. How can i meet you? How to get appointment?


Direct Sign up:

For Centers:  To Meet us directly kindly fix the appointment by sending your company profile with authorized person ID Proof, We will get back to you soon, 


For Individuals: Call us and inform the appointment and send the appointment letter to our mail with user Id proof,

We will get back to you soon,





25. How to apply for Refund?

  If you not satisfy with our services or need to cancel the contact with any reasons, you can apply for the refund and get your full money back

  No questions ask (no need to give a reason to get your money back)





26. What types of securities and guarantees provided for project registration cost?

  LifeTime BPO Solutions provide high level bank securities for your money, there is no chance to meet loss or terminations in the project contract,

  The project security cost is 100% secure and safe, it is fully refundable if the person not satisfy with our project or services,

  Basic level securities will be given for all non voice business projects

  High level bank securities will be given for more than 2 slots of non voice business projects



Legal stamp paper agreement,

Bank guarantee,

Letter of credit,

Whole company document providing for vendor security reasons,

MNC company vendor ship will be provided,

Postdated Cheque,

Reference centers will be shown,

Direct Sign up with own reference center informations will be given,

Direct training support team will be in your office to provide 100% guarantee payment.







 27. How and when will i get my payment?


Mode of the payment: 

Online Transfer,

Direct Cash Deposit,

Cheque Deposit,

Direct Bank Transfer and Direct Payment, 

After the project sign up, need to provide bank account details of the person who going receive payment for the work



  Home Based Projects

No of Working Days: 27 days

Project Submission: Every 27th day need to submit the project

QC report: 9th day from project submission

Payment: within 6 days from QC

New Workload: Every 28th day you will get new working files

Accuracy Level: Nil "Qualified Files will be send for payment process" Error files will be send for rework

Validity: Lifetime (Yearly Renewal)



  Non Voice Business Based Projects

Payment process is based on project plan,

4 different plans given below, kindly check it,


                                            If you have any questions kindly call us we will help you, 

                                                      0 9677373644     0 9677373204





  Monthly Payment Non Voice Process

  No of Working Days: 27 days

  Project Submission: Every 27th day need to submit the project

  QC report: 9th day from project submission

  Payment: within 6 days from QC

  New Workload: Every 28th day you will get new working files

  Accuracy Level: Nil "Qualified Files will be send for payment process" Error files will be send for rework

  Validity: Lifetime (Yearly Renewal)




 Weekly Payment Non Voice Process

  No of Working Days: 7 days (except Sunday)Work will Start and End on same day (Eg: Mon to Mon, Sat to Sat)

  Project Submission: 7th day within 6pm

  QC report: within 3 days from project submission

  Payment: within 3 days from QC

  New Workload: Every 8th day within 10am

  Accuracy Level: Nil "Qualified Files will be send for payment process" Error files will be send for rework”

  Validity: Lifetime (Yearly Renewal)






  Daily Payment Non Voice Process

  No of Working Hours: Daily 9am to 5pm

  Work will Start at 9am and End on same day within 6pm

  Project Submission: within 6pm of the same day

  QC report: Next day within 10am from project submission

  Payment: within 3 hours from QC

  New Workload:  Every day Within 8am

  Accuracy Level: Nil "Qualified Files will be send for payment process" Error files will be send for rework”

  Validity: Lifetime (Yearly Renewal)




  3 Hours Once Payment Projects

  No of Working Hours: any time

  Project Submission: work can submit on anytime

  QC report: 2 hours after work submission

  Payment: within 1 hour after the QC payment will be in your account

  New Workload:  after finishing minimum target

  Accuracy Level: Nil "Qualified Files will be send for payment process" Error files will be send for rework”

  Validity: Lifetime (Yearly Renewal) 




 LBS Non voice projects are safe and secure as home based job and business projects in centers, our projects are government approved and 100% tested before outsourcing This website was created for free with Own-Free-Website.com. Would you also like to have your own website?
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