1. Kindly read our website contents fully so that you can simply understand our projects and services,
2. Send your Mail Id by SMS to get sample working files and project details now 0 9677373204, 0 9677373644,
3. Kindly check our FAQ page to get answers for your questions, kindly clear your doubts before starting the projects,
4. Our company is legal based and genuine in all activities, the customer also should be genuine and co operate with us,
5. Do you find any mistakes about our company or in our services you have all rights to inform us,
6. The Project security cost is onetime payment and it is 100% refundable, no need to pay any other extra charges,
7. The project cost is collected only for security reasons and the project cost is fully refundable If you not satisfy with our services or need to cancel the contract with any reasons, you can apply for the refund and get your full money back, (No questions ask (no need to give a reason to get your money back),
8. No chance to delay in work and payment, each and everything will reach you within given time.
9. We give more importance to time, We don’t waste your time, We ready to provide real value for your time and work,
10. If anyone need to upgrade or need to convert the project or plan from one to another it is possible, kindly call us to know the procedure to change or convert the project 0 9677373644 0 9677373204,
11. You will get training on online with Gmail chat, Yahoo or in some other mail which is comfortable for the working person, Remote access training will be given with online chat support,If the person needs training on phone we ready to provide it,
12. Direct training is available for high level business plans,
13. Special and professionally qualified trainer will be provided for non voice 3 hours once payment process and daily payment process to achieve best quality in output,
14. Separate section allocated for Quality control process and training process,
15. No need to worry about the work, it is workable with minimum knowledge and our training will make everyone to reach best quality on output,
16. If you have question while working with our projects, you can send your doubts to our mail id or you can call us directly to get answers,
17. Our projects started outsourcing after the payment verification only, We are expert in Non Voice projects,
18. Our projects are legally approved and our company is private limited and have good man power and market support,
19. Our company legally registered and we have all rights to outsource the projects,
Direct Signup
For Centers: To Meet us directly kindly call us and fix the appointment by sending your company profile with appointment letter and Id proof of authorized person.
For Individuals: Call us and inform the appointment and send the appointment letter to our mail with user Id proof,
We will contact you soon
Same level of securities will be provided for direct and online sign up,
Legal stamp paper agreement, bank guarantee, letter of credit, whole company document providing for vendor security reasons, MNC company vendor ship will be provided, Postdated cheque, High level of securities will be provided. Kindly read our “SECURITIES” for more details or call us to clear your doubts now.
All of our security things all approved by main banks and please follow this seriously and cooperate with the concern,
The Work and Payment will be more confidential, So the work and output should also confidential, Mainly the vendors shouldn't use smart software and other short cuts,
The contract period 1 year with yearly renewal, before ending the contract period project cannot be reject or terminate in the name of accuracy level and mistakes, all the mistakes are correctable and editable, error files will be send for rework process only, no chance to deduct anything in payout, the project guaranteed and we provide legal guidance to reach full payout, no need to worry about the work and payment, if you not interested in our services you can apply for refund and get your full money back
Contact Us 0 9677373644, 0 9677373204 For Serious enquiry
All the project dealing with us is legal based and secure,
Project registration cost is collected only for security purpose to provide guaranteed work and it is refundable with any reasons,
No questions ask (you don’t have to give a reason to get your money back)
No need to pay training fees, documentation charges and royalties
Kindly co operate with us for genuine and long-term relationship
Keep Industry genuine and clean
Call Us Now
Clear Your Doubts
Join Now And Start Earning 0 9677373204 0 9677373644
All the project dealing with us is legal based and secure,
Project registration cost is collected only for security purpose to provide guaranteed work and it is refundable with any reasons,
No questions ask (you don’t have to give a reason to get your money back)
No need to pay training fees, documentation charges and royalties
Kindly co operate with us for genuine and long-term relationship